THE WOLF'S HOWL is a quarterly newsletter geared towards incarcerated Asatruar/Odinists, but with lively articles that any Asatruar, free or incarcerated, should find well worth reading. This is a paper copy so please include your address in the notes section. Each subscription is for 4 issues of the newsletter. Issue #1 available Ostara 2021
THE WOLF'S HOWL newsletter subscription(Free world) For one year or 4 issues.
Price Options
One-time purchase
$12.00every year until canceled
A quarterly newsletter geared for incarcerated Asatruar/Odinists but with articles that would be of interest to Asatruar/Odinists both free and incarcerated. Published 4 times a year, this is a hard copy newsletter and only available as a hard copy, no e-newsletter version will be created for the forseeable future.